Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cocoa Beach

After 5 days @ Disney World we decided to leave the city and head to Cocoa Beach. The weather was perfect and surprisingly it wasn't packed like i expected. We had our own little spot

The tide were pretty high so Andrew didn’t venture out very far. Every time he would see a really high tide come he would run back to the beach… so he & I spent most of the time sitting on the beach building sand castles.

Jeremy & Adrianna LOVED playing in the waves... They went way out in the ocean. We would have liked to stay a few more days...  There was just too much to do & not enough time. Vacations just aren't long enough. 
My beautiful family < 3
At one point they were all playing in the water and I was kicked back in the sand watching them... thinking how truly blessed I am.

Farewell Florida

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